This volume honouring the work of Gananath Obeyesekere, one of the most provocative anthropologists of our time, consists of twenty papers by friends, students and colleagues. The diversity of the contributions, many of them by leaders in their respective disciplines, makes the volume appealing across disciplines to students of anthropology, history, sociology, literature and religion.
Prezzo € 58.00
pp. 496
Formato 16x24
Anno 2009
ISBN 9788860321152
Collana: Alti Studi di Storia intellettuale e delle Religioni
Edizione a stampa non disponibile per l'acquisto on line
Prezzo € 40.60
pp. 496
Formato 16x24
Anno 2009
ISBN 9788860321152
Collana: Alti Studi di Storia intellettuale e delle Religioni